Opinion All News Event Customer stories Partner stories Opinion Articles White papers 9 June 2023 Opinion Digitization strips away everything that is unnecessary The obstacles to digitization today are more about maintaining old structures that are unnecessary and only cost money. We must learn to work in new ways. 14 November 2022 Opinion Wake up and smell the "IT coffee"! Why do management teams and boards continue to use old push-button cell phones at work when they have smartphones in private? When will the broad group of medium-sized Swedish industrial companies upgrade their business processes? 13 October 2022 Opinion How we digitized Jula Henrik Ljungdahl shares his insights and lessons learned from his time as CIO at Jula. What were the biggest challenges during the company's digitization journey? What would he have done differently today? 11 October 2022 Opinion Who needs HR when there is IT? For those of us who work with so-called digitization, the concept of HR is something that, unfortunately, is rarely perceived positively. The partly rhetorical question is often asked whether an HR function is still needed? 8 July 2022 Opinion Seven reasons why IT is always complex, expensive, and time-consuming Here are seven reasons why the IT perspective is often overlooked when companies lay out their business strategies.