Building block #5 - Summary
Summary of the building blocks - most important to consider
Now we've reviewed the 4 most important attributes that all mature businesses share that allow them to maximize business value from their data. Here's a quick summary with some key take-aways from all the building blocks!

#1 Den första byggstenen var data- och Integrationsstrategi
The businesses that lack a data and/or integration strategy consider themselves to be losing efficiency and scalability. Therefore, developing a data and integration strategy is our first building block for you who want to create business value through data.

#2 The second was a shared data store
20 percent more so-called "tech leaders" confirm that they have a common data warehouse as a cross-functional source in the organization, unlike "tech laggards". Therefore, if you want to create business value through data, you should establish a cross-functional data warehouse. It lays the foundation for data-driven decisions!

#3 The third building block addresses the role of data and integration issues in your business and your corporate culture
Creating a data-driven mindset in the organization is largely about creating a clear role for data and integration issues in the organization. It is also about your culture and how it supports this. The culture can help or destroy your opportunities to create business value through your data and your integrations in the business - so put the right (data-driven) culture in your organization.

#4 The fourth and final building block describes how everything starts in your business processes
In order to translate data and integration strategies into actual business value, there must be clearly defined and digitized processes in the business. They must of course also be implemented and adhered to in order to reach the desired value.
How you use your data can look different in all organizations. But we know the growth potential of mature businesses that manage to maximize business value from their data. So we hope you have taken with you several tips that you can implement and that will help you in your digitization journey!
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